Thursday 7 June 2012

Daiton Somanje pities self

Daiton Somanje
Struggling Pengaudzoke frontman Daiton Somanje has released a sorrowful album reflective of his misfortunes at the mercy of a waning music career and broken family ties. The musician, famed for popular yesteryear hits like Seiko Kuonda, Mai Linda and Tsaona has become a pale shadow of his former self. His recent albums have flopped while his shows no longer attract fans.

His personal life has been pathetic following wrangles with his brother, wife and son. The album, titled Zvinowanikwa, tells a story of a weeping man with a life and future in shambles after being neglected by relatives. The songs sound like hymns from an abandoned man’s memoirs as Somanje cries foul over sour family relations that include his son’s decision to abandon him.

Despite its sombre tone, the album is already causing a stir on local airwaves. It carries tracks like Mbeu Dzangu, Zvemukati Mukati, Hameno Zvenyu, Mapundu Mapundu, Mvura Yaierera and Somanje Musadaro.Mbeu Dzangu is directed at his son Faheem whom he blames for not respecting him. The track Somanje Musadaro is a plea to his family members, particularly his brother Josphat, to love each other and stop washing dirty linen in public.

In this song, he appeals to his family members to put their differences aside and work together as a unit. In an interview recently, Somanje said the album sought to settle differences between him and his family.

“A lot has happened in my life and I have been having wrangles with my relatives, but this is the time we need to put our house in order,” said Somanje. “This album tells the story of what happened to me and how best I want to move forward. I hope it will go a long way in resuscitating my career.”
Somanje started playing music with his brother Josphat as Pengaudzoke in 1985 at a farm in the Beatrice area.

Their debut release was Chinhu Chevaridzi in 1988 with the track Vanhu Vandawile on its flipside. Daiton composed both songs. However, due to a number of reasons, the two brothers parted ways in 2000 after release of the scorcher, Tsaona.

Since then Daiton’s music career has been waning while his brother Josphat rose to fame after releasing the album This Time, which features hit songs Haulume and Maggie Mukaranga. Last year Somanje engaged his brother in the album Zvisinei Hazvo, but it did not attract attention on the market. Newsday

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