Wednesday 19 October 2011

Emotional send off for Dhewa

SUNGURA musician Tongai "Dhewa" Moyo, who succumbed to non-Hodgkins Lymphoma at the weekend, was buried at his rural home here yesterday. It was an emotional send-off as mourners - including relatives, friends and fellow musicians - performed songs done by the singer. 

Mourners travelled from as far as Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, Kadoma, Masvingo and Mutare. Loud music from cars outside Dhewa's homestead turned the funeral into a celebration of the life of the singer. 

More pics when you continue
Also in attendance was Media, Information and Publicity Minister Webster Shamu, who is the Zimbabwe Union of Musicians patron and his Information Communication Technology counterpart Nelson Chamisa.
Somandla Ndebele, Macheso, Leonard Zhakata, Tedius Matsito and Chase Skuza performed at the burial.
They did a rendition of the song "Zvinoita Murudo".
                  Tongai rural fans gathered to bid Dhewa farewell
         Sulumani Performing at Tongai's homestead before the burial

              Tongai's ex-wife mai Peter being comforted at the burial
Monica Chikasha performed her "Sele" dance routine, which was a common feature at Dhewa's live shows.
Other musicians who attended the funeral included Josphat Somanje, Lucky Mabhande, Max Mapfumo, Tryson Chimbetu and founding Utakataka Express members Ronnie Mudhindo and Musaope.
Minister Shamu urged music promoters and fans to support Dehwa's son Peter as he takes over the band's leadership.

Minister Chamisa described Dhewa as a unifier. He said Dhewa developed the country through his music.
Knowledge Chosa, Dhewa's cousin and Utakataka Express manager, described him as a brother and breadwinner. He weeped uncontrollably while speaking about Dhewa's trials and tribulations. Suluman Chimbetu pledged to work with the Utakataka Express under the leadership of Peter. Sinqobile Mkweli, a pastor and Dhewa's brother-in-law said he was happy the musician died after giving his life to God.

He acknowledged Dhewa's assistance to the Moyo and Mkweli families saying he died a rich man because of the sound advice he gave to fans through his music. Zimbabwe Music Rights Association chairman Albert Nyathi said the association learnt the death with a heavy heart. "His sudden death left us all shell shocked. It was too soon, too early, too drastic especially given that he had just received the new drug.

"We thought he was now on his way to full recovery but God had his way," he said after his well-received poem. Dhewa is survived by his wife Miniehle Mkweli and several children. Meanwhile, the artiste's son, Peter, was yesterday involved in an accident when the Mitsubishi Chariot he was driving was hit by another car while on his way to his father's burial yesterday morning. 

Peter was not injured, but the other driver sustained injuries and was rushed to Kwekwe General Hospital for treatment. Peter, had gone to Kwekwe to collect some items at their Msasa home when the mishap occurred.

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