Wednesday 1 February 2012

Cephas Mashakada's band back from musical break

Mashakada's widow managing the band
Sounds of the Muddy Face band is recommencing live performances following a musical break which they took after the death band leader, Cephas Mashakada last year. Speaking to the Daily News recently, Shemu Mashonganyika aka Chibage said the band is now taking it from where Mashakada left. “The Muddy Face was there and is still there. It is only that we were mourning Mashakada but now with the help of mother (Mashakada’s wife) we are carrying on with the job,” said Mashonganyika.

The sungura band, Sounds of the Muddy Face has been rehearsing over the past month. The band has three concerts lined up this week in Chitungwiza, one at Club Warehouse in Zengeza. “This week we are holding our first concert and we will play Mashakada songs,” he said. Sounds of the Muddy Face are working on a new album, yet to be named. The coming album was composed by the late “Moto Muzhinji” and would be recorded soon.

Mashonganyika revealed that the eight-member band has no leader at the moment and every potential member is expected to compose songs and provide lead vocals. “There is no band leader but we are promising fireworks to our fans. Though Mashakada is no more, his band is still intact” said Mashonganyika.
Mashakada’s widow, Eunice said the band did not die with Mashakada but it was in mourning. “The band is now resuming live concerts and we hope to finish recording Mashakada’s last album soon,” said Eunice Mashakada.

Mashakada died in August last year when he succumbed to kidney failure and diabetes. Popular hit Samson and others made Mashakada a household name. Mashakada, Paul Mpofu and Job Mashanda formed the band about three decades ago. The group became popular with songs Denga Rababa, Amai Mandigona and Kilimanjaro among others. Mpofu left to form his Zambuko band and Mashanda also left. Mashakada in early to mid-1990s changed his lyrical content to gospel hyms. He popularised the gospel hyms until his death.

Despite the fact that Mashakada had no heir, his band is still sailing on. Most bands like Utakataka and Dendera Kings have never experienced a long break because the musicians’ children like Peter Moyo and Suluman managed to keep these bands intact. (DailyNews)

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