Saturday 4 February 2012

Pamuzinda comes alive!

Three Musketeers - Macheso, Peter Moyo and Tryson Chimbetu

Sungura icon Alick Macheso, still smarting from the departure of three of his trusted lieutenants, will tonight seek to prove that Orchestra Mberikwazvo has become an institution that cannot be bogged down by trivialities when he takes his act to Pamuzinda Highway Xscape. He comes to the stage like a raging wounded bull, and fortunately for the multitudes of fans - who will throng the venue - his energy will rightly be spent on entertaining them.

For a man who has been in the music industry for more than a decade, Macheso will use the show to further consolidate his iconic status. Young Peter Moyo and dendera prodigy Tryson Chimbetu will support Macheso in tonight's epic show. It looks like the Tryson has found favour with the firebrand guitarist, ever since they started holding joint shows nearly two years ago.

Peter's inclusion in the line-up is expected to heighten the mood, and naturally many fans, would want to assess whether the "rivalry" that existed between Macheso and the late Tongai Moyo, is being carried over to the young Igwe. But whether the two will sign a truce pact in front of the audience or want to continue with the so-called beef, what is however, clear is their inclusion in the gig will create fireworks.

Show organiser Victor Jnr Chiraga said the show was a way of expressing gratitude to their customers, who have rallied behind them in the past few years. "We carefully selected the artistes because we want our fans to come in their thousands and just enjoy themselves." While Peter and Tryson's fan base is gradually growing, one cannot doubt that Macheso commands a huge following and many music lovers have remained loyal to his music, even during his darkest moments.

Since the time that he released his first album, "Magariro", Macheso has not only grown to become a household name, but he has also become a phenomenon. His ability to play the guitar and the ingenuity he puts when penning social-conscious lyrics puts him in a class of his own. University of Zimbabwe lecturer Memory Chirere couldn't have put it better when he said: "Macheso has the unusual gift of poetry. His lyrics elicit an easy-going camaraderie.

"He sings like the guy from next door, very familiar and liberating". Combining his high level of ingenuity and a fiery passion exhibited by the inclusion of Peter and Tryson, the show is expected to be one for the archives. Meanwhile, the weekend does not end at Pamuzinda Highway Xscape for Macheso, he will once more raise the bar when he takes his act to the City Sports Bar for a family show on Sunday.

The Orchestra Mberikwazvo leader will again have in tow Peter and his Utakataka Express and Tryson as the supporting acts. Macheso's new acquisitions that come in the mould of dancer First Sakala and guitarist Wilson Mega will be performing at the city bar for the first time under the Mberikwazvo ensemble. City Sports bar owner Biggie Chinoperekwei revealed that they were expecting a huge crowd at the function. "We had been pressured by fans to stage a Macheso show and we expect a huge crowd on Sunday," said Chinoperekwei.

All eyes will be on Peter, whose band has been under siege following revelations that guitarist Spencer Khumulani and the band's chanter Shiga Shiga are set to join Energy Mutodi's band. "Macheso hinted that he could sample a few songs from an album he is currently working on," added Chinoperekwei. (Herald)

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