Tuesday 6 March 2012

21st Feb gala lives up to billing

Peter Moyo and Utakataka Express
The curtain came down on the 21st February Movement gala held over the weekend with entertainment-starved music lovers getting more than they bargained for. The gala, held in honour of President Mugabe who turned 88 last month, was more than just a music festival as it brought together people from all walks of life not only from Chipinge but from as far afield as Chimoio in Mozambique and surrounding areas.

It was the first time the gala was held in the sleepy town in the border with Mozambique, where President Mugabe was based during the liberation war. And music lovers came prepared for the “pungwe” that started as early as 6pm and ended on Sunday, just after midday. The visibly excited crowd was given a treat by several artistes that included Blessing Shumba, Mercy Mutsvene, Jah Prayzah, Leonard Karikoga Zhakata, Freddy “Kapfupi” Manjalima, Sulumani Chimbetu, Energy “Tatu Muluba” Mutodi, Nicholas “Madzibaba” Zakaria, Tryson Chimbetu, Peter “Young Igwe” Moyo and Alick “Extrabasso” Macheso. 

Notable was the huge presence of younger generation of musicians who are following in the footsteps of their departed fathers — you talk of the late greats Biggie Tembo, Leonard Dembo, Tongai Moyo, James Chimombe as well as Simon and Naison Chimbetu. As for the late Tembo, Dembo, Dhewa and the Chimbetus, they all must have been smiling in their graves as their sons are doing what they used to enjoy most — showcasing their talents on stage.

Judging by the several performances from the young crop of musicians, music legacies will continue to live for many years to come. Of course, the gala had its highs and lows perhaps due to the congested programme but it was well organised and Major Anyway Mutambudzi and his team put up a splendid effort to ensure that the music fete went without any glitches. (Herald)

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