Tuesday 20 March 2012

Chibadura brothers ditch ZMC

The late John Chibadura
Chibadura Brothers, a group that comprises of sons of the late popular musician John Chibadura, have parted ways with Zimbabwe Music Corporation (ZMC) after their latest album entitled Inguva got deleted from the stable’s computer systems.

Sometime in February last year, the brothers under the leadership of Simba and Knowledge, were told their album had disappeared and the only solution was to rerecord. But the brothers never got the chance to return to the studio as it was said to be “too busy”.
This didn’t go down well with the brothers currently hunting for a recording studio where they are set to rerecord the six-track album. The brothers also blamed ZMC for not marketing their albums Shungu Dzinobatsira (2004) and Vision 2020 (2005), which they said influenced their departure from the recording company.

Since the death of their father John Nyamukoko (Chibadura) in 1999, the brothers have released three albums, the last in 2005. The last two albums had little impact on the market despite the brothers keeping to their father’s music, still popular in the country, and this had forced their departure from ZMC.

They returned to the studio in February last year and were dismayed when they received news their album, almost complete, had been deleted from the computer. Simba Chibadura confirmed the group was seeking a new recording stable. “It was last year when we were told by the producer Dumisani Sibanda our music had disappeared from the computer,” said Simba.

“The album was almost ready and only vocals were due for recording, but we suffered a setback. Even up to now it’s still unbelievable. “We were told to rerecord, but since last year nothing has happened. And this is the reason why we are leaving ZMC. 

“We are just waiting for the transfer letter from ZMC.” Concerning their last three albums, Simba said ZMC failed to market and distribute them. “All the albums we recorded with ZMC were never found in retail shops and again the studio still prefers cassettes in this era instead of CDs.” 

Efforts to get a comment from the producer were fruitless as his mobile phone was not reachable. In an interview, Emmanuel Vori, ZMC managing director, dismissed all claims: “I don’t know anything about that. Chibadura brothers never recorded here last year. Why don’t you bring the guys here and ask them in my presence?

“I am tired of you people from the Press. You always want stories to sell your papers!”. This is not the first time musicians have dumped ZMC. Recently, Leornard Zhakata cancelled his contract with the recording studio after the later failed to release his album on time.

Currently, Sungura musician Taruvinga Manjokoto, popularly known in music circles as Sugar Sugar, is reportedly at loggerheads with the recording stable for taking long to release his latest album. In August last year, Dendera maestro Tryson Chimbetu blasted the recording company and threatened to dump it, accusing it of not marketing his two albums, Marxist Revival and Bvamrod.

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