Friday 23 March 2012

Gospel musician dupes fans

Blessing Shumba was one of the musicians billed to perform in Mutoko
including Sebastian Magacha  
Gospel music fans in Mutoko were taken for a ride after a show that was marketed as featuring popular musicians Blessing Shumba, Sebastian Magacha and Zimpraise proved a hoax. There was chaos at Mutoko Centre Zaoga Church recently when fans that had gathered for the show realised the mentioned musicians were not part of the show.

Upcoming gospel musician Prosper Macharika, who was billed to perform at the event dubbed “Huyai Tifare”, was said to be behind the “fake” show. Macharika is said to have printed numerous flyers and banners using names of musicians that did not know of such an event.

A lot of people reportedly flocked to the church expecting to see their favourite musicians only to realise Macharika and a few other people whom he claimed were members of Zimpraise would be the only performers.

According to a close source, hell broke loose when angry fans attacked Machereka who fled to seek refuge near Mutoko Hospital. Abel Mvura, director of Mayo Zimbabwe Trust, a youth empowerment organisation that normally hosts shows in Mutoko, confirmed there had been chaos over the show.

“There were so many people who were trying to literally break into the venue to beat up Macharika who luckily managed to escape. Fans were demanding to see Magacha and Shumba,” said Mamvura.

Macharika refused to say much on the issue, but admitted the show did not take place because “some of the artists were not there.” He referred questions to Zimpraise producer Joseph Madziyire. Madziyire denied involvement in the prank and took a swipe at Macharika.

“I heard about it and I was totally astonished because Macharika who is a former Zimpraise member had the nerve to use Zimpraise to lure people to his show,” said Madziyire.

“He was actually chucked out of the choir last year for misdemeanor.” Madziyire said Macharika had not contacted him about the show and was surprised when he saw one of the flyers. “This is unfair and disturbing. I didn’t know about this show and I have been trying fruitlessly to contact Prosper for an explanation.”

Other musicians who were advertised to perform also denied knowledge of the show. Magacha said he was angry over the issue as he risked losing his fans, who could have been disappointed thinking he had boycotted the show.

Shumba said: “It’s really bad when someone uses other people’s names without their consent. On that day I was actually performing at Mucheke Stadium and this Macharika guy never contacted me at all.” Shumba said a fan had phoned him to express disappointment over his failure to perform in Mutoko. culled from Dailynews

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