Wednesday 21 March 2012

Mtukudzi pays tribute to Andy Brown

Andy Brown Gone too soon
OLIVER Mtukudzi paid tribute to Andy Brown on Tuesday night, describing the Mapurisa star as “fearless and selfless”. Mtukudzi was one of several musicians who attended a church service at a Harare funeral parlour for Brown who died last Friday.

“Andy Brown was a fearless and frank person, who helped many musicians to ascend the musical ladder. He was selfless in helping others,” said Mtukudzi. Brown’s burial, originally announced for Wednesday, has been moved to Thursday, his family said.

The 50-year-old singer died at Harare’s Parirenyatwa Hospital, succumbing to severe pneumonia, according to his family. Known affectionately by his fans as ‘Mzukuru’, Brown had left a rich musical legacy, Mtukudzi said.

“He was a larger than life character, whose contribution to the local arts sector will be cherished forever,” Mtukudzi added. Among the musicians at the church services were his ex-wife Chiwoniso Maraire, Lawrence Haisa and Mechanic Manyeruke.

Brown’s body arrived at the family home on 10 Gibbons Avenue in Cranbone in a white casket with gold handles. The body leaves Harare by road on Monday morning for his rural home in Mberengwa where he will be buried next to his mother. Nadine Brown, the musician’s widow, will accompany his body for burial in Mberengwa in the company of his 10 children. (Newzimbabwe)

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