Sunday 1 July 2012

Enterprising Sulu gets a Marketing Job

Dendera artist, Suluman Chimbetu has taken up a marketing job with a local engineering company.
Sulu has been quick to say the job was not about money, but he needed to explore different things and challenge himself with new ventures.

“As you know, I was once a soldier and soldiers are trained to fit in any situation. I also love to explore a lot of things, which is why I am now an employee of (the engineering company).

“I do not own it neither do I have any shares, I am here because I was offered a package I couldn’t resist and also because this will test my skills on a whole new level,” said Sulu.

The affable Sulu, whose band has been going through some changes, says he believes in not putting all one’s eggs in a single basket.
“With showbiz things change. You never know what tomorrow may bring. I have seen colleagues in the music industry hit hard times and dying as paupers, leaving their families in dire straits.

“I am a musician, a reserve soldier, a farmer and now marketing director of a reputable engineering firm. And I’m not stopping here, maybe one day I might even open up something of my own, maybe a company like this one,” mused Sulu. The owner of the engineering company, Malvern Bakasa, said he chose Sulu because of his youthfulness and powerful brand.

“My company is young, it is still growing but has managed to grab a considerable market share, which I believe to be around 35 percent. I believe Sulu, like us, has managed to do just that. He is young and still growing but already has a good market share in the local music industry.
“Therefore, I believe together we have the potential to grow into formidable brands, which is why we have to work together,” said Bakasa.

The 35-year-old businessman, whose company has branches in Harare and Kadoma, said he never knew Sulu personally before the decision to engage him.
“I was just one of his fans who admired the brand the young man had created. I wasn’t sure if it was the right move, but after talking to him, I realised that he is actually an easy-going person,” said Bakasa.

On how Sulu manages the demanding job of a marketing director while doing live shows, rehearsals, farming and time with family, Bakasa said they knew, as a company, of the busy schedule Sulu has before they engaged him, thus they give him leeway to conduct his other businesses.

“Sulu is a businessman like me. We do not expect him to be here all the time. We have a system here, so he fits in well with the working system,” he said. Sulu himself declared that he is a soldier and thus the schedule was actually helping him stay sharp.

“My wife was a bit sceptical at first, but now she is realising that nothing much has really changed. It is only that I might wake up earlier than I used to on some days or steal some hours from the family time,” said Sulu. Sunday mail

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