Monday 2 July 2012

ROKI rocks Harare

The concert at the Harare International Conference Centre on Saturday, brought together two of Zimbabwe’s biggest names in entertainment, Oliver Mtukudzi and Sulumani Chimbetu, but the loudest cheers of the evening were saved for urban grooves bad boy Roki.

Over 4 000 people made their way to the venue for the gig, Tuku’s last show before he goes on tour which will see him performing with another Zimbabwean great, Alick Macheso in the United Kingdom.

Roki wasn’t even on the original line-up for the show, because when it was mooted by Josh Hozheri and the Jazz 105 team, he was still in the Big Brother Africa house in South Africa. Come his disqualification just over a week ago and his subsequent return home the promoters saw an opportunity to add an exciting twist to the concert and signed him on to perform.

His set was the shortest of the evening, lasting just about 30 minutes, but it was the most fanatically received.

Deafening cheers welcomed him onto the stage. He was accompanied by his dancers- including current ‘wife’ Melody Musekiwa, and backing vocalists, Dj Iscord and ex-wife Pauline Gundidza. Both Melody and Pauline put up sterling performances in their various departments.

How Roki managed to have the two of them to rehearse and perform together without jeopardising the performance is a wonder. The energetic set whose highlight was the popular Chidzoka had the HICC dancing away like nothing else mattered. It was over too quickly and Roki bid farewell with a few lines from his song Aiyahoo.

The concert had been opened earlier by Diana Samkange, followed by Jah Pryzier. Then came Roki. After him was an even shorter set by Ba Shupi. Tuku was on next at about midnight and then Sulu wrapped things up.

Mtukudzi leaves for the United Kingdom this week for his first shows of the tour over the weekend. He should be going for the tour with his shoulders high after thousands of fans thronged HICC to honour their icon ahead of the travel.

It will not be until September 21 that local fans will watch Mtukudzi on stage in the capital again. And the welcome back show, which doubles as his birthday celebration, promises to be another historic thriller since a number of the musician’s South African friends will be expected to take part at the gig that will also feature the crème de la crème of local performers.
As humble as always, Mtukudzi bowed in honour of his fellow musicians and fans in his last bye-bye at HICC. The auditorium exploded into wild emotional cheers as Mtukudzi was joined by Jah Prayzah, Chimbetu and Samkange for the joint performance. They did the song in unison, joined by fans that jubilantly sang along, making the show a memorable outing for performers and audiences alike.

As Mtukudzi went off the stage, fans frantically waved, jumped, whistled, ululated and shouted marking a great exodus for a revered hero. As expected, most fans streamed off the auditorium after Mtukudzi’s performance.

The superstar later joined Chimbetu on stage for their collaboration song Kwedu and the dendera classic popularly known as Ndiroore. Chimbetu’s performance ended a colourful night that will definitely remain etched in the minds of revellers. Chimbetu’s performance was also exceptional as he managed to entertain audiences with exciting dendera hits until daybreak.

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