Saturday 11 February 2012

Madzibaba Zakaria suspends recording

Nicholas Zakaria
Senior sungura artist Nicholas “Madzibaba” Zakaria says he has shelved plans to release a new album until prohibitive action is taken to curb piracy. The “Senior Lecturer”, as the veteran musician is called by his fans, says he has petitioned the government through Zimbabwe Union of Musicians patron Webster Shamu to take a serious stance against piracy.

Several musicians have been impoverished because they can no longer depend on royalties since piracy has heavily affected album sales.“The government must not be lenient with piracy. We need strong measures to curb the practice but up to now those convicted have been given light sentences and they return to the streets to continue with this illegal trade,” said Madzibaba. 

The talented musician usually releases albums annually but last year there was no new offering from his Khiama Boys. The band is putting maximum effort into live shows which have become the major cash cow for most local musicians. Madzibaba’s last album Ruvheneko was released in 2010 and did well on local charts.

He says he has already worked on songs that will constitute his next album but has not got into the studio yet. He said he was willing to release the album this year. “I am watching measures that are being taken against pirates. I understand authorities are working towards minimising piracy this year and as soon as I am convinced the practice is declining, I will get straight into the studio.”

Madzibaba is not the first musician to protest against piracy through suspending the release of albums. The late Dumi Ngulube was no longer recording and was concentrating on lecturing in music and doing live shows at the time of his death in 2010. (Newsday)

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