Friday 21 October 2011

Macheso pays tribute to Dhewa at Pamuzinda

Sungura ace Alick Macheso makes an emotive return to Pamuzinda Highway Xscape tomorrow night where he is expected to pay tribute to the late Tongai Moyo, through dance and song. Backed by upcoming Dendera music prodigy, Tryson Chimbetu - Macheso is set to rekindle yesteryear memories of the duo's collaborations on stage by playing some of Dhewa's songs.Music fans will remember that whenever Dhewa and Macheso had a joint show, they would often go on stage to sing Dhewa's song, "Mwenje Ndiwe", and fans always looked forward to those "unifying moments", between the two musicians, who for many years were said to be arch rivals. Orchestra Mberikwazvo, band manager William Tsandukwa said the Pamuzinda gig was expected to ignite fireworks and put fans in a revelling mood and celebrate the life of Dhewa.

"I had often wandered why people were trying to make Tongai and Macheso fight, by fuelling speculations that the two didn't see eye to eye. "It is not true. Tongai and Alick were good buddies, who were united by their love for music and entertaining their fans," he said. Even Macheso himself, never used to take the rivalry issue seriously. In an interview with this newspaper on Tuesday, in Sisombe during Dhewa's burial, the sungura ace, dismissed everything as hogwash.

Speculation was even rife that Macheso would not turn up for Dhewa's funeral. However, Extrabasso poured water on the speculations by showing up in time for the burial. "Ndirikukahadzika kuti chokwadi ndizvo zvinoita hupenyu here, inga harina manyanisi. (I am still in a state of shock and trying to come terms with his death)," Macheso said. So the Pamuzinda gig will serve as a way of looking back to those good old times and knowing the prowess and passion that Macheso puts into whatever he does on stage. The show is likely to live many a reveller with sentimental tears on their cheeks.

It is most likely that "Extrabasso" as Macheso is called in music circles because of his bass guitar-playing skills, will switch from his bass to lead guitar which "Muchina Muhombe" played and knowing Macheso as his fans do, they know what magic they should expect from him. Even Tawanda Chiraga of Pamuzinda said he was expecting an emotive gig full of memories of the heydays when Dhewa and Extrabasso shared the stage at events like national music galas and Chibuku Road to Fame, among others.

"As you these (Macheso and Dhewa) were the two giants in the sungura music realm and whenever they went on stage people witnessed fireworks and entertainment in a class of its own. "This is what Macheso said he would be doing at Pamuzinda this time around in memory of his departed friend and fellow musician," said Chiraga. (Herald)

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