Tuesday 18 October 2011

We’ve lost a kind, loving son, Dhewa's Aunt

Tongai "Dhewa" Moyo loved and cared for more than just his family and now that he is no more close relatives are at loss. Safire Kutyauripo Rutanhire, the younger sister to Dhewa's mother Ambuya Chihera described the sungura maestro as a man who shouldered all the problems within the family.

 "He was that type of person who took his mother like his best friend and was open about everything. "He was free spirited and loved everybody inasmuch as he loved himself. "I remember when he told me that Amai ndinogozvivengerei, ukasazvida unozodiwa nani, this is why he loved to look good all time. "You should also consider that Tongai had a huge family and a few other hangers on who fed and drank from his sweat," she said.

Amai Rutanhire reiterated that Dhewa was very supportive of the family and did not choose who to assist.
"At times we felt sorry him because he made sure he worked and looked after everyone at the expense of his own family. This is the saddest moment in our lives," she said. About the future, she said she hopes that Peter, Dhewa's son, would take over the reins just like Suluman Chimbetu did when his father Simon passed on.
"I wish Peter could learn something from Suluman and continue with his father's legacy for we know that his spirit is still with us," she said.

She added that Dhewa never wanted Peter to follow in his footsteps up until his condition worsened.
"He only started introducing Peter to music at a much later stage when he found out that his cancer condition was not getting any better. "His reason was that he feared for Peter's life and that he was still too young to cope with gigs and tours. 

"He thought Peter could not handle the fame that comes with it especially when women throw themselves at him. Tongai once told me that he didn't want his son to die of Aids," she said. She, however, said he hoped for the best for Peter as he was the heir apparent to the Utakataka Express throne. "I trust that he will pull through for as long as he remains levelheaded and knows what is wrong and right," she said.

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