Thursday 2 February 2012

Madzibaba Nicholas Zakaria working on Album number 24

Nicholas Zakaria
Nicholas Zakaria is one of the most talented Sungura Musicians in Zimbabwe. News emanating from the grape vine is that the 'Senior Lecturer' is busy compiling album number 24. The album we hear is earmarked for release in the first quarter of the year. In a recent interview with H-Metro, the Senior Lecturer alluded to the news: “I am currently working on my 24th album. “The album caries six tracks of superior quality but I am still thinking about of the title,” said the affable music lecturer.

“As usual, my music is about love, peace and culture. It has become a norm to include a reggae track on every album and people seem to be enjoying it.” Asked whether he was not afraid losing band members to other groups, Madzibaba said: “I am not afraid of being deserted. I have faith in my band members. I always preach to them the pros and cons of bed-hopping from band to band,” he said.

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