Monday 2 July 2012

I 'll hustle my way out of my current situation - Maneta

Maneta Mazanhi says she is now unemployed and back staying with a relative. She had no choice after being thrown out of Big Brother.

Before BBA she was renting an apartment in Bulawayo, but she had to give it up, pack her bags and go for Big Brother as there was not enough money to keep it for three months while she was away.

So now she is back in the situation she grew up in, which she hates so much: holed up with a relative.

“After my father died I never stayed in one place to make proper friends, but it was not bad. But after my mother died, I never knew peace in my life.
I have stayed with every relative, lived in some of the worst high-density suburbs, got hooked in illegal gold activities and sold second-hand clothes, so I believe I am a hustler and that is what will see me through,” she said.

Maneta was employed by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra), first as a tollgate cashier and then in the accounts office in Bulawayo, where she probably came across the massive corruption at the authority. But she says that her comments on corruption were taken out of context, as she meant individuals within Zimra and not the whole authority. Maneta says she will continue with her studies.

“I have been paying around R13 000 per semester at Unisa (University of South Africa) while going to work. Despite a law degree having been my mother’s dream for me I also feel that if I opt out now I would have burnt my own sweat.

“Plus the other thing is that I am someone who believes in Plan B, a fall-back position. If the plans that I have now do not come to fruition then I will have my corporate law degree. So I am continuing with my studies,” she explained.

She is currently in the third year of a four-year law programme, of which she missed her exams because of the Big Brother show, so she is one semester behind. Maneta says she was planning to work with Roki.

 “Roki and I are buddies now. I had not seen him since the day we were chucked out of the house. Actually you are going to be seeing us together more often as business partners. “We have projects that we are working on together and I believe that with both our star powers we might actually achieve great things. I am a focused person and I know Roki is as well, so I believe our partnership will win the day,” she said.

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