Wednesday 16 November 2011

Awarding winning filmmaker launches debut film

Gweru based filmmaker Tinashe Innocent Mutero
A young up-and-coming Gweru based filmmaker Tinashe Innocent Mutero (25) has joined the spot light of blockbusters trends of the Zimbabwean film industry by launching his debut demonstrative drama piece called Vimbai’s Diary. Mutero who is among the pioneers Gweru’s fast booming film industry believes they are high prospects of becoming the best source of employment creation and melting pot of all forms of artistic works.
“The Gweru turf is promising; the people are very supportive to our efforts in creating and generating an alternative source of entertainment.” Mutero said. The observation comes following a realizing the appreciation of digital video decoder (DVDs) which has been observed through sales, which inflicts high hopes for a better future the industry as people reflect the acceptance of these films by buying. In an interview, with the young filmmaker, he said every industry has own challenges hence that should not deter us from reaching our probable heights, but turning them into our strength.

“The journey has been a challenging one, especially when working and training people who think they really have what it takes to become good actors. At first it sounds good but in the long run the marvelous attachments to it is fizz out but we never gave up” he said. On what continues pressing him in gaining the momentum to be a persevere in the industry, the awards harvester said it is the childhood adverse challenges experience into adulthood were the major inspirations. “Those serious issues are treated differently. But with film they are the center of comical substances needed by the filmmakers to address the controversial effects of every matter in the societies we come from and those around us. Consequently we continue going back to the drawing board only to find the need to start again the process of creation.

“At the end of the day we are creating another new creation. The circle chain revolves round and round, the whole process sounds complex as a result film production is the full explanation to the continuous chain” he further commented. As informers and teaches we have to keep on smiling and continue treating the same serious matters with witty like any other jokes as they appear in order to be elevated to the next levels by the force of nature.

“As we were growing up there are situation which were taken serious then to our parent, but as children we would laugh at each other thinking it was the proper thing, today we are now seeing those same things haunting us a fresh generation parents.” he said. Vimbai’s Diary is a suspense spectacular film, whose message revolves around the theme of suppression of the girl child faces when she need for sacrifices to exorcise avenging spirits of the dead (Ngozi) arise. Upon realizing need to address other topical issues in the affecting the societies, the film employees other minor but controversial issues to support the story unfold. The playwright touches issues ranging from rape, domestic violence, abortion, gender and conflict in the processes of family decision making, among others. The drama was written and directed by the young filmmaker, with intention of generating a debate on find means and way that can be evoke in a bid to rescue the girl child fro such traditional practices, for the reason that these issue affects people on day to day basis.

The upcoming film maker has harvested a number of accolades in theater; in 2007 he scooped the best Actor at Inter-University and colleges theater Gala after performing in the Unusual made usual. In 2009 he returned to the same competition where is walked away with two awards for the best play director, and best scriptwriter, for his play Reign to rain. The film projected involves feature some of Gweru’s artistic talents such as such as Evidence Machira, and Dumisani Sihwede. (Shout-Africa)

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